- Pre-class/practice- Ensure your dancers are well rested, well nourished, and in a positive headspace prior to arriving at dance.
- Be early- Having your dancers arrive early will let them get acclimated and prepared prior to their class starting .
- During practices- Let the dancer's dance, let the coach's coach, and let the parents be positive! Give them space to learn how to take class, socialize, and let them learn how to communicate with their coaches directly.
- Be prepared- Pack your bags the night before and lay out your clothes so you are prepared for class.
- Use your manners- Greet your teachers hello, silence your phones, get ready to learn! Say thank you and goodbye prior to leaving.
- Lock in- Be engaged, focus, and attentive during class. Respond to your teachers, acknowledge feedback and critiques, and have positive body language!
- Give 110% at all times- If you are working hard you will see results! You get back what you give!
**If parents and dancers follow these tips for classes/practices they are more than likely to be successful, at ease, organized, and have positive results!
- PREPARE!- Prepare your practice plan with a schedule, prepare your curriculum, prepare you music, prepare your goals.
- Be efficient- Efficiency and planning is the key! What you get done during your practice time will determine how successful you and your dancers will be.
- Be realistic- Be realistic on your dancers abilities, their age level, their goals. This will eliminate frustration from you, your dancers, and their parents.
- Be a role model- Look professional, act professional, be invested, be involved. Look like a teacher and be a positive role model Be invested in their every day lives.
- Set a time line for the season- Not only plan what your day to day classes will look like, but what will your classes look like in two months from now? Should you be changing up their warmup, cleaned up to a certain point in their dances? Having an overlook of the season will keep you on track and you too will get the most out of your class.
- Change things up and have fun- You can be professional and fun a the same time! Repetition is key, but changing things up keeps the minds sharp and also keeps the dancers engaged. When you see things becoming boring and repetitive, find new ways to switch things up and challenge your dancers.
***Teachers have to teach dancers how to take class and how to get the most out of your class. Set the tone, lead by example, and enforce expectations and a culture your dancers are excited to be apart of and follow."